What’s going on?

Training for Electrica Ciem in Cofem Baleares

🔎 We conclude the training given to Electrica Ciem in our new training room located in Palma (Mallorca), where we have been able to work all the addressable range, its latest updates and Cofem digital tools that can operate together. We would like to thank the attendees for their commitment, we hope your stay was pleasant.

đź’ˇ We firmly believe that the PCI industry requires a rigorous knowledge of the products it offers: how to use them, correct installation, advantageous new features, etc. We also believe that it is absolutely right to devote efforts to learning about it. Unfortunately, the risk is very high and a mistake can mean the loss of lives…

👉🏼 If you are interested in arranging a date and time to train your team through our customised courses, please contact your area delegate or call 935862690!

#Training #CofemSolutions #Cofemtech #TechnologicalAdvancement #Cofem
