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Detector de humo doméstico

Importance of installing smoke/gas sensors at home

💭 Today we would like to share with you the article published by 3Cat Noticies on its digital platform, regarding the importance of installing smoke and gas #sensors at home in order to save lives.

Home smoke sensors

Home smoke sensors

📈 The Fire Fighters of the Generalitat assure through statistical data, that the risk of domestic #fires increases exponentially during the cold months, when heating systems (fireplaces and / or electrical systems) are used. Also, the use of domestic smoke or gas sensors reduces by up to half the likelihood of casualties, either by combustion or poisoning.

☑ COFEM, a pioneering company in fire protection systems, has as its top priority the #safety of the population, as well as the safety of their homes and buildings. Therefore, we invite you to visit our specialised section of home detection, where you can find our domestic fire and carbon monoxide detection models with the most advanced technology incorporated.

#ProtectYourHome #FireDetection #DomesticFires #Cofem
